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Children will develop a set of primary teeth that last throughout early childhood. These primary teeth typically begin to emerge during the first year of life between the ages of 4 and 12 months. Their complete set of primary teeth are typically in place by age 3.

Though it is impossible to answer exactly what age your baby will get their first tooth, there are some signs that their first tooth could be preparing to make an appearance. Be on the lookout for swollen gums, redness, and irritability associated with teething pain. When babies get their first tooth, they may also be more likely to drool or chew on their hands or other objects.


Did You Know…

A baby’s teeth are present long before they break through the gums? In fact, the hard tissues of the primary teeth begin forming in the womb at approximately 18 weeks of gestation. From that point forward, it takes about 10 months for complete calcification. Some babies may even be born with their first teeth already erupted.


Common Answers About Baby Teeth


Which tooth is likely to appear first?

The first tooth is usually—not always—one of the two front teeth on the lower jaw. These two teeth are often also the first to be lost when the permanent teeth later emerge. In most cases, teeth will erupt in pairs and fall out in pairs.

When do babies get their first tooth?

Every child is different, so answering “what age will my baby get their first tooth ” isn’t exactly possible. However, the average age that children start teething is between 4 and 12 months.

How can I comfort my child when they’re teething?

It is normal for a baby to be irritable when teething. Counter-pressure often soothes the gums, so try giving your child a hard teething toy—specifically one that has been frozen. The coldness will help numb the gums, and the pressure will alleviate discomfort.

Should I bring my child to a pediatric dentist when they get their first tooth?

Yes. When your baby gets their first tooth, they should see a dentist for the first time no later than six months after it’s erupted or age one—whichever occurs first. Though most children do not require dental treatment during the infant and toddler years, early dental appointments are essential for reducing a child’s risk of tooth decay.


Live in Las Vegas? Call Children’s Dentistry

If you’re wondering what age your baby will get their first tooth, give us a call or schedule an appointment. We’re more than happy to answer every dental question you have about your child’s teeth.